The Eighth Roommate...

We usually tell people there are 7 people living at our house, but you don't have to hang around for long before you meet the 8th member of our Glade house family.  The day I moved in I found him hiding in my closet.  Although he's a little unusual (and slightly creepy), we accept him anyway (my roommates have big hearts) and have made a place for him in our home.  His name is John. He lives in the closet under our stairs.

Here are a few of the places John has been found in the time that we've been here:
John only wishes he were a cello. 
 I was talking to my mom on the phone when I discovered John here... without thinking I told her that John was in my bed! She didn't seem too excited, but I explained to her that we are just taking John in out of the goodness of our hearts. Someone has to love him.


Elise, Alicia and I went up to Utah last month for fun.  We made pie on Pi day (3/14) with Elise's family, I got to see some family, and I played around with Badger buddies.
My cousin is a part owner of Saturday's Waffle in Salt Lake.  I never knew waffle's could be so tasty!


We volunteered as "Pageant Warriors" at the Easter Pageant. It was fun patrolling the garbage cans and parking lots, and we got to see the pageant almost every night!
We got free t-shirts (are we noticing a theme here...? I like free T-shirts.)

  I went to see it in Spanish with Tom- I think it is almost more beautiful in Spanish than English! I was proud of 
myself for how much of it I could understand :)  
Elise and I are still working to learn Spanish.
The Pageant portrays the life, death and Resurrection of Christ.  Watching it every night made Easter so special this year--it made Christ seem even more real to me and helped me feel more grateful for all He has done for us.  


My graduation was on Friday!  Since we walked in December, AND we still have 2 more weeks of student teaching to fulfill before they'll award us our degrees, graduation didn't seem like too big of a deal. But we had fun anyway playing on our roof and going to dinner with our roommates.

Life is good here and I am happy :)


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